71621 STDV B6 - Tools for College Success
Denise James STDV B6 Fall 2016 syllabus online classes-1.docx
Student Development B6
Tools for College Survival
Spring 2016
Online classes/CRN # 71621/72856
Denise James, MS Class time: Online
(661) 333-7466
Email: denise.james@bakersfieldcollege.edu Dates: 8/22/16-12/10/16
Suggested Books:
-Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression by Studs Turkel
Required Texts:
-Becoming a Master Student by Dave Ellis ISBN# 978-1-285-19389-2
-Bakersfield College Catalog, 2016/17 (or catalog rights year)
Or can access online at: http://bakersfieldcollege.edu/academic/catalog/
Course Description:
Tools for College Survival is designed to increase the probability of your success in college by helping you obtain skills necessary to reach your educational objective. The class provides the opportunity to learn and adapt skills proven to promote success in college, including study skills and personal life skills. It integrates personal growth, learning techniques, academic and career success, problem solving, critical, and creative thinking. The course focuses on the following topics: self-evaluation and assessment, goal setting, career decision making, educational planning, time and financial management techniques, instructor-student relationships, cultural diversity, stress management, campus resources, learning styles and strategies, note-taking, test taking, memory and concentration. This class also satisfies the 0.5 unit educational planning requirement for graduation from Bakersfield College.
Classroom Etiquette:
Please turn off OR put your phone on silent upon entering class. Additionally, DO NOT text during class. Laptops, iPads, and any other electronic devices are allowed only for class purposes. Be respectful of the other members of your class by doing the following: arrive to class on time, do not interrupt OR have sidebar conversations with others when someone is speaking to the class, and be prepared for class. Due to the length of the class, lecture and assignments will move quickly and you will be expected to participate (i.e. group activities, lectures, presentations, etc).
Student Learning Outcomes:
Know how to apply personal development skills, and self-awareness, to your career goals through:
- Using textbook reading and activities for self-discovery to understand career interest; personal and work values; and decision-making factors as they apply to career goals.
- Identifying and understanding the use of time management skills and short and long term goal setting techniques.
- Researching and writing about a selected career.
Know how to conduct and gather career research information through:
- Research within the BC Career Center Resources; Working on the BC Career Website; and completing textbook activities.
- Understanding job market trends
(Occupational Outlook Handbook; State-wide salary information and job growth).
- Conducting informational interviewing.
Know how to choose and articulate the courses for a major, general education requirements and appropriate electives that meet student educational goals through:
- Understanding and utilizing the following tools; The California Articulation database (www.assist.org), Bakersfield College catalog (course prerequisites, descriptions and
programs of study).
- Utilizing the BC Career Center, and website, various university catalogs and transfer guidelines, and occupational/vocational degree areas.
- Comparing and contrasting university admission requirements.
- Estimating the time for completing transfer, degree/certification requirements by developing a student educational plan and semester-by-semester plan.
- Computing and learning how to maintain grade point average to assure academic success.
After completion of this course it is expected that students will be able to:
Outcome |
Locate, navigate and utilize educational resources |
Catalog Exercise or Exam
Identify BC programs, policies, procedures and services |
Catalog Exercise or Exam
Analyze careers and identify the appropriate career pathway for your educational/career goal |
Career Exercise
Articulate and evaluate what it is you want to gain from college and educational experiences |
Career Research Essay, Reflection Essay |
Identify educational/career goals and evaluate how you will reach those goals |
Student educational plan(SEP), time management exercise |
Manage your time and responsibilities and acknowledge your progress towards completion of your educational/career goals |
Semester by semester plan and/or other time management exercise |
Assess, evaluate and modify study skills and incorporate the best study styles for their own personal learning styles |
Chapter reviews, quizzes, online and other personal assessments |
Identify, construct and utilize a support system(s) for success |
Essay |
How will you succeed at BC this semester?
What determines success is not circumstance, but habit. Habits of Mind, It’s POSSIBLE at BC has many free tools intended to help you accomplish your goals in school. Only you can overcome the challenges you face this semester and in life. Start out successfully with these steps.
- Visit the Habits of Mind website: bakersfieldcollege.edu/habits-of-mind.
- Download the app for Habits of Mind at Bakersfield College for power in your palm.
- Ask for help, do the work, and refuse to quit.
Success takes energy, planning, and strategies for both the expected challenges in school as well as the unexpected twists life can take. Ask your professor for more information. Now is the time to develop new habits.
What is this class about?
Topics covered in this course include time management, test taking, study techniques, communication skills, library/internet use and personal issues such as learning styles and managing stress. To make this an active and personal learning experience, continually ask yourself how readings, exercises, discussions, lectures and assignments may be applied in your own college experience.
Disabilities and Accommodations:
Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disabled Student programs and services (661.395.4334), FACE 16, as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely manner.
Students are expected to attend all class sessions. If you are absent, you must contact the instructor via email or by telephone before the start of the class in which you will be absent. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed assignments. If a student has more than SIX absences, he/she will receive a failing grade for this course.
Withdrawal Policy
If you decide to withdraw from the course, please drop the class online or you will receive an “F” grade. Please ask me if you have any questions regarding the Bakersfield College withdrawal policy.
All assignments must include the following: your name, date, assignment title, and class (i.e STDV B6). Students must complete all assigned reading prior to the start of each class session in order for you to participate in class discussion. Class participation will be graded.
Access Canvas to download and print several of your assignments by login in via: moodle.kccd.edu OR under the “COURSES” tab of your insideBC account (Click on STDV B6) to access the class Canvas page.
Student Educational Plan (SEP) Rough Draft 100 points
Student Educational Plan (SEP) Final Copies 200 points
Career Research 50 points
Semester by semester plan 100 points
Catalog Exercise 100 points
Library Workshop 100 points
ASSIST.org (2 @ 25 pts. each) 50 points
Reflection Paper 100 points
Weekly assignments (10 pts. each) 200 points
(Weekly chapter quizzes, discussion post, replies, etc.)
Total 1000 points
Late Assignments:
No late assignments will be accepted unless prior arrangements have been approved by the instructor.
Journal prompts not listed in the syllabus will be given to students at the end of each class. Journals should be approximately one page in length. Some Journals will detail a specific length.
Library/CAS Workshop: You are required to attend a Library or CAS workshop of your choice. Upon attending, please submit proper documentation to receive credit. Please plan accordingly!
Grading Policy:
This is a letter grade course (A, B, C, D, and F). Failure to submit a COMPLETE Student Education Plan (SEP) by the end of the course, will receive an automatic “F”.
100% – 90% = A
80% – 89% = B
70% – 79% = C
60% – 69% = D
Or no SEP 0 – 59% = F
**Assignments/Readings are subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.**
8/22 Week1: Introduction to College Success, Syllabus, Associate Degrees/ Certificates, BC, CSU & UC Requirements, Transfer Guide/ T.A.A’s; New student Lecture and Systems of Higher Education; BC Catalog Introduction College 101 and Systems of Higher Education 1. Meet Your Instructors— see sheet in back of syllabus 2. Do Learning Style Inventory found between pp42-43 in Becoming a Master Student, write a paragraph about your learning style 3. Online learning style assessment. http://www.literacyworks.org/mi/assessment/index.html 4. Review Chapter 1 and complete chapter 1 Quiz on p59 5. Add a discussion post and a reply
8/29 Week 2: SEP Introduction lecture Topic: Time Management 1. Do ASSIST assignment—see page 7 of the syllabus and sheet in back of the syllabus--- go to www.assist.org 2. Look up your MyDegreePath (bottom left corner of your insideBC student tab) and use that to start your student education plan. It will give you your major requirements, your general education requirements and your competency requirements. Pick which general education requirements you want to follow: IGETC (UC and/or private universities), CSU, or BC. 3. Review Chapter 2 and complete chapter 2 Quiz on p96 4. Add a discussion post and a reply
9/5 Week 3: Topic: Memory Techniques Study Skills 1. Library Workshop—Have the library workshop form filled out and uploaded to prove you attended a workshop 2. Go to: http://www.ucc.vt.edu/academic_support_students/online_study_skills_workshops/index.html 3. Review Chapter 3 and complete chapter 3 Quiz on p121 4. Add a discussion post and a reply
9/12 Week 4: Topic: Reading techniques 1. Reading Skills; Career Café- http://www.studygs.net/texred2.htm 2. Online Study Skills Workshop at: 3. Review Chapter 4 and complete chapter 4 Quiz on p147 4. Add a discussion post and a reply
9/19 Week 5: Topic: Note-taking 1. Note-taking activities see the uploads for week 5 2. Mind-map activity see the uploads for week 5 3. Review Chapter 5 and complete chapter 5 Quiz on p173 4. Add a discussion post and a reply
9/26 Week 6: Topic: Test Taking 1. Math Anxiety- -http://www.radford.edu/content/LARC/home/learning-guides/math.html -http://www.radford.edu/content/LARC/home/learning-guides/math/math-anxiety.html -http://www.radford.edu/content/LARC/home/learning-guides/math/math-inventory.html -http://www.radford.edu/content/LARC/home/learning-guides/math/studying-math.html 2. Khan Academy: http://www.khanacademy.org/ 3. Career Café- http://www.cacareercafe.com/success-tips/ 4. Review Chapter 6 and complete chapter 6 Quiz on p199, 5. Complete the catalog exercise (see upload for week 6) 6. Add a discussion post and a reply
10/3 Week 7: Topic: Critical Thinking Comprehensive SEPs 1. Complete Comprehensive SEP Rough Draft along with semester by semester plan see week 7 uploads for the form 2. Career Café- http://www.studygs.net/crtread.htm 3. Career Café (linked below) http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_72.htm http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTCS_89.htm 4. Review Chapter 7 and complete chapter 7 Quiz on p231 5. Add a discussion post and a reply
10/10 Week 8:Topic: Communication 1. I-statement Exercises see week 8 uploads 2. CBT Distorted Thinking Chart Exercise see week 8 uploads 3. Personality Assessment-True Colors In-Class Activities see week 8 uploads 4. Review Chapter 8 and complete chapter 8 Quiz on p267 5. Add a discussion post and a reply
10/17 Week 9: Topic: Diversity/Cultural Awareness 1. Cultural Diversity Awareness Exercise listen to at least 3 stories on the link below and write a one page paper on what you listened to and your personal experience with diversity, culture and poverty. http://studsterkel.matrix.msu.edu/htimes.php 2. Review Chapter 9 and complete chapter 9 Quiz p291 3. Add a discussion post and a reply
10/24 Week 10: Topic: Money Management 1. Managing Stress, Health, Stress Management, and Budgeting read Chapter 10 and write a one page paper on how you will improve our money management 2. Review Chapter 10 and complete chapter 10 Quiz p317 3. Add a discussion post and a reply
10/31 Week 11: Topic: Health 1. Review Chapter 11 Topics Stress Management, Self-Image, Asking for Help, Disease Prevention then complete Critical Thinking Activity on p348 2. Review Chapter 11 and complete chapter 11 Quiz p349 3. Career Research Outline Start outlining your Career Research Paper 4. Add a discussion post and a reply
11/7 Week 12: Topic: Next Steps/Future Focus 1. Complete Exercise 37 p376 and reflect on your results 2. Review Chapter 12 and Create a Master Student Profile for yourself see p384 for an example 3. Review Chapter 12 and complete chapter 12 quiz p385 4. Add a discussion post and a reply
11/14 Week 13: Topic CSEP 1. Complete your comprehensive student education plan http://www2.bakersfieldcollege.edu/jpeters/documents/CSEP_2016_SPSUForm.pdf 2. WORKSHOP VERIFICATION DUE Complete Comprehensive SEP and Reflective Paper 3. Add a discussion post and a reply
11/21 Week 14 Thanksgiving week no class assignments
11/28-12/10 Weeks 15-16 1. Turn in COMPLETE COMPREHENSIVE SEP (including Degree Path printout) 2. Turn in your Library Workshop Verification form 3. Turn in your ASSIST assignment 4. Turn in your Semester by Semester Plan 5. Turn in your Catalog exercise 6. Turn in your Career Research paper no more than 2 pages 7. Turn in your Reflection paper no more than 1 page
Assignment Information Meet Your Instructors 1. Activity & Journal - Over the next week take the time to visit each of your instructors during their office hours (if they do not have office hours, visit them virtually through contacting them by email). A sample visit can include: o Self introduction o Tell them this is an assignment and let them know your expectations and/or fears of the class. o Remember, this assignment will force you to communicate with each of your instructors and will open the door for future communications. o Record your thoughts, impressions and feelings in a typed, one-page paper, minimum 100 words. .
ASSIST Exercise #1 Go to www. assist.org 1. On the “Click here to select an Institution” bar, select Bakersfield College. 2. On the “Click here to select a campus”, select your transfer school. 3. On the “By Major” bar, select your major 4. Click on “Print this Report” 5. Print report and bring to class on due date
ASSIST Exercise #2 Go to www. assist.org 1. On the “Exploring Majors” 2. Click on the ”Explore Majors” link. 3. Click on the “Majors” bar. 4. Select an “Area of Study” or type your major in the search bar. 5. Print report and bring to class on due date |
- BC Counseling Website
- BC Transfer Services
- BC Habits of Mind
- BC Allied Health Department Website
- BC Primary Care/Physician’s Assistant (PA) Info
- BC Liberal Arts Info
- BC Liberal Studies Info
- Study Skills Workshops
- Eureka Website
- Rutger’s “What can I do with a career in…?”
- O*Net Online
- Career Café
- AA-T/AS-T---A Degree with a Guarantee
- U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics
http://www.bls.gov ---Main Page
http://www.bls.gov/ooh/ ---Career Information on occupations
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |